Friday, May 1, 2020
Intelligent Robustic System For Exploration-Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Intelligent Robustic System For Exploration? Answer: Introducation A robot is a man-made object which is using the computer as its brain and has the machine-driven body. In its body, sensors and actuators are present in it. They are more flexible in terms of performing new operations and is capable of carrying out numerous tasks at once. Recently there is an emergence of technology branch with concerned of all the challenges in robot, design, and application. Robots perform numerous activities such as defective satellite inspection, repair or construction of a space station and supplying goods to the station and its retrieval. The paper describes the design and implementation management used by the authors for developing tele robotic system. There is high possibility of new advancement in robots with overlapping knowledge in control and progress in fundamental technologies, kinematics and dynamics. This will enable people to discover and familiarity in the universe with numerous live changes. Technology in space has an important influence in both socioeconomic and life part of space environment and the world society, therefore many study were carried out to help combining robots and space through applying space robotics idea and some required of robotic machines features are flexibility, acknowledgement, knowledgeable control and reconfigurable methods. All imaginative decisions need to be tested and verified in open space condition because aspect technology such as communication techniques cannot be verified on-ground condition. Control system Design Methodology This section highlights the methodology used by the writer to design tele robotic system. Each step is described in sequence as follows(Hermann, 2012, p. 410) Hierarchy of desired behavior The first step is to define and name a hierarchy of desired robot behaviors because it is based on time-domain behavior. Usually, four steps are needed for autonomous submersible and autonomous manipulator. The designer must ensure that the specified behaviors are enough to allow description of all robotic system operations by personnel. Level of Robot Autonomy The robot requires less supervision as the hierarchy becomes automated. The decision concerning the level of should be implemented based on complexity, safety, relationship between channels of communication and required robot stability Remote/local portioning The machine-driven purposes can be alienated into remote [robot] and the local where lower levels of control are executed by the robot more than the console. Behavior matrix Before the execution of behavior by the operator at the work station and the robot, certain things need to be defined such as requirements by sensory inputs to support the decomposition, its nominal decomposition into lower levels and handling behavior execution, Conflicting behavior resolution The approaches such as the logic- based and cooperative are the preferred methods of resolving conflicts goals. It is grounded on how robots are going to deal with the fact that they are not intended to carry out other functions. Control system modules The communication associating the isolated computers is affected by computer error. The robot are directed orders by the operator and the robots are expected to follow a systematic protocol that are errors free while the response values from the robot to the operator can be submitted repeatedly deprived of acknowledgment Sera interface It needs two types of definition levels; The standard real-time on-line operator interface and Scripting, configuration and behavior definition Network of Software Modules The designer needs to break down the system into a two-way communication between the components and every component must be assigned preemption level. Software module integration The real-time system is constructed from the existing components is just a matter of selecting the required components from the library and explaining the interconnections between them. The process of implementing the control system differs with software components implementation Declarative Configuration This is where the user pronounces all components and their connections in a text built file then the file is interpreted by the program after reading it so that it can modify the data structure for real-time control. Code-Based Configuration This is the C++ version of declarative configuration approach whereby the configuration file is gathered and joined before running of application Graphical Configuration This approach depends on the use of computer-aided design to put down the components and their interconnections. The list is analyzed into a text-based in order to produce a list describing the components and their interconnections. Project management issues The quality management, preparation of work and private issues are the matters affecting project management and they are influenced by the design and implementation approach. This approach task are partitioned into two parts that are the software component and control system application whereby engineers specializing in application sector are responsible for application design, enactment and testing while the team in software are responsible for progress and upkeep of all software constituents.(Robo, p. 211) Ongoing Developments This section describes the relevant developments taking place in design and implementation of tele robot control system Application of space robot can be classified into the following categories of four;(Konoko, 2010, p. 318) Operation: Helps to conduct experiment in the lab Maintenance: Helps in removal and replacement of faulty modules/packages In orbit positioning and assembly: Helps in deployment of satellite and assembling of modules to satellite/ space station Resupply: It enables supply of materials and equipment for experimentation in space lab and for fuel resupply The following examples give specific applications under the above categories Scientific Experimentation Experiments conducted in space lab include Observations by astronauts Biological experiments Metallurgical experiments which sometimes is dangerous Assist in space station assembly Helps crew in the space station i.e. routine crew maintain life supporting system Helps in station arranging and assembling Space servicing functions Refueling Faulty modules replacement Helps congested mechanism such as antenna and solar pane Enhancement of space craft Using upgraded module in replacing payloads Assist in modules attachment in space Space tug Transfer of satellites from low earth orbit to geostationary orbit efficiently Effect orbital transfer by satellite grabbing Challenges in designing and testing space robot Robots developed for space is different from those in the ground because space robots have to operate in zero g' conditions i.e. [lack of gravity], in the vacuum, far away from earth and in high thermal gradients. (Xu, 2012, p. 32)Thermal condition and the vacuum of space interferes with material and sensor performance of the robots. The degree of remoteness of the operator varies from few meters to millions of kilometers The environs that lack the force of gravity has strength and weaknesses. In zero g environment, the mass to be handled by the arm manipulator is not constraints that is why joints and the arms of needs not to withstand forces and moments loads as a result of gravity. The main disadvantage of zero g environment is that it lacks inertial flame and any manipulator arm motion will induce reaction forces and base moments which in turn interfere with the altitude and position.(Kopa, 2011, p. 315) The problems faced by the robot such as control and motion planning, dynamics can be solved by ensuring dynamics connections between the base [space station, space shuttle and satellite] and the robot. As a result of dynamic interaction, the space robot motion can influence the base route and this can make the robot to miss the planned target, also mutual dependence affects the performance of the robots and the base severely in case the moment of inertia robot, the mass and payload are not negligible compared to the base. (Kanniah, 2013, p. 165) Vacuum effect and thermal effect The vacuum in space causes heat transfer problems and loss of mass of the materials as a result of sublimation or evaporation. This can be avoided by selecting materials and lubricants properly so as to attain collected unstable condensable matter and total mass loss. The preferred lubricants should be dry in nature like goad and lead. Some of the sub-systems will require hermetical sealing in order to be exposed to vacuum. In thermal variations, low-temperature cause material embrittlement hence increases friction in bearing by weakening the adhesive forces. The distortion in overcrowding of mechanism and structural elements is caused by huge thermal gradients hence the best way of controlling this is ensuring that proper material selection whose features is acceptable based on the temperature range and suitable choice of protective coatings and insulation system temperature is within permissible boundaries is carried out.(Desroches, 2010, p. 41) Other factors The compactness and the lightweight are one of the main factors required in space system. The material structure to be used should possess certain strength and stiffness to ensure minimum mass, high toughness and solidity. Robots are also subjected to a critical environment are the dynamics during launch. Dynamic loads contain random vibration, auditory noise, sinusoidal vibration and separation shock bands. The electronic and electrical subsystem will have to take care of ecological conditions during orbit and launch.(Konoko, 2010, p. 78) In case there is need for performance to be recorded, protection of components against radiation all over its life is necessary to be considered. Reliability of a high grade is required in space robots and this can be managed by ensuring that design phase was conducted in a proper manner. In order to identify numerous failure modes effects, a failure mode effect and critical analysis is carried out and must be addressed in the design by(Kanniah, 2013, p. 179) Having a good design margin Selecting a reliable or proven design The design should have redundancy System verification and testing System reliability is conducted by a number of tests enveloping all the environmental conditions. The verification of tests and functions are carried out on subassemblies, subsystem and tests acceptance will be done after system completion. The trickiest simulation during testing will be zero g simulation. The simulation commonly used in zero(Kanniah, 2013, p. 89) a) Water immersion: Total dipping of robots under water and testing helps in the simulation of reduced gravity. b) Flat floor test facility: Here, it is grounded on the bearing of air sliding over a polished granite. It simulates the zero g' environment in the parallel plane. c) Compensation system: The compensation of force of gravity is done by vertical and passive counter system and actively controlled parallel. Performance assessment and calibration The development of offline software in mission preparation helps in achieving the robotic device operation. The procedures that supports design in a computer are applied so that movement of the robot can be traced easily. The smallest size, mass and the power needed and intake can be attained by ensuring an appropriate sensing technology is put in place.(Ruoff, 2011, p. 245) Robot performance The valuation of robot is needed because; To enhance sources of errors that affect arm accuracy To make decision if the work cell or the arm must be calibrated To make the comparison on the expected improvement in calibration accuracy. The mathematical model is used in assessing the robots performance and the source of error from its sub system such as the robot link, the joint or its gripper(Xu, 2012, p. 212). Identification of error is done by a bottom-up analysis and in each identified robot sub system are arranged in the three groupings namely; Pseud systematic error which is foreseeable and time variant Random errors which cannot be predicted but varies with time e.g. encoded noise The systematic error which does not differ with time e.g. concentricity, link length, and parallelism. Once the classification of error based on the magnitude is done, there may be used of numerous statistical methods to evaluate its impacts when they are combined during work.(Ruoff, 2011, p. 54) Robot Calibration A proper calibration method is required in compensate for errors in case the prediction performance has shown that calibration is needed. All calibration must be carried out on the ground and in case of orbit calibration procedures should be limited in crosschecking the model validity developed and if essential, error correction such as pressure gradient and micro slip to be done. Calibration is executed in five steps namely; (Genta, 2011, p. 33) Modeling, in which parametric description is carried out, introducing geometric parameters like link length Measurement, in which data encoded and a set of robot position and orientation are measured using the real robot for provision of inputs for identification test step Identification, it uses the measured facts and parametric model to determine error parameters Model implementation, where the data controller root is updated by correction of robot pose with respect to the error standard deviation. Verification, It is when accurate positioning of the robot has been achieved in all the three axe This method is preferable if compared to other methods because complications of universal calibration of robots are sectioned into a set of minor problems thus enabling them to accomplish numerical precession and decent stability. The software calibration is parametric in nature thus appropriate for homogenizing any wide-open robot kinematics chain. (Kopa, 2011, p. 113) Description structure of space robot The robots consist of two arms namely; upper arm and lower arm. The rotary joint links the upper arm and to the lower arm and a three-roll wrist mechanism at the end of the lower arm is used to orient the end effector about any axis. The end effector connected to the axis performs the same function as the hand. Motors help in driving the circuit which in turn drives the joint of the arm and wrist while angular encoders control the motion of the joint at each axis. The controlling of grasping force on the job is done by the end effector that is driven by a motor and pressure sensor. The main subsystem in the development of the manipulator's arm is,(Forest, 2011, p. 56) A joint enables movement between two links of a robot and there are two types of joints namely; roll joint whose rotational axis is similar with a fully extended arm and the second one is pitch joint whose rotational axis is parallel to the axis of an extended arm making its angle of rotation is limited.(Telotte, 2016, p. 214) Robot arms The simplest arm is the pick and place type which are used t5o assemble part of fitting them into a fixture. This is achievable due high accuracy attainable in the robot arm. Objects having complicated shapes and fragile in nature can be manipulated by robot arms In robot arms, there are wrist and grippers. The wrist is attached to the robot arm and has pitch, roll, and yaw that is why it has the ability to retain its equilibrium position after the removal of deflecting forces and deform in response to the forces as well as the torques.(Zhu, 2010, p. 43) The gripper is attached to the manipulator's wrist to achieve the task required. The designing of the gripper depends on the size and shape of the part to be held Space Robot Teleoperation The space robotics is an important psychology in space advancement. It is desirable to develop a robot which can work without an aid of astronauts. In the current situation, there is progress in technologies whereby the tele operates a space robot from within a spacecraft. However, the limited number of astronauts in the space makes it possible not to achieve rapid progress in space growths with the teleoperation from within the spacecraft.(Xu, 2012, p. 56) Operations of space robots Robotic free fly manipulators are difficult because the spacecraft moves in response to the movement of manipulators. The shuttle robot arm is used for various purposes such as; Deployment and retrieval of satellite Building of International Space Station Surveying the outside of the space shuttle using TV cameras attached to a wrist or elbow of the robot arm Robot Arm Operation Mode It is operated in the space shuttle cabin and to control the shuttle remote manipulator system the operator uses translational hand controller to deploy the rotational hand controller. How space shuttle robot arms grasps object Robot arm just work in a similar way just like that of human, The end point of the rot arm consist of a cylinder known as the end effector. There are three wires that are used to grasp objects inside the cylinder. The object to be grasped needs to have a grapple fixture meaning projection a stick in shape. Sight is essential in order to acquire the grapple fixture while manipulating a robot arm as long as 45 feet. Robot arm is activated to hit the target and this is done by the robot arm operator while keeping the rod standing vertical to the robot arm and in case the angular balance is between the robot arm and the rod, it is easily detected through the in TV Conclusion In the forthcoming years to come will make billion of people to live a leisure life instead of current obsession with current material needs. Space robotics will open the door to discover and experience the universe because there are many people who are captivated by the space but the lack means of discovering it. The formal method for the design and development of robot has been outlined and it is based on the concept hierarchical control. Hierarchical control system design provides a template for complex control system functional design that allows parallelism in the development process. The method also highlights advantages of robots such as, going where people cannot reach, robot dont need to return to earth, they perform task that are less expensive and less risk and space is a dangerous environment but robots manage to survive. New future development includes new support for hardware and software environments References Desroches, A., 2010. Intelligent Robustic System for Space Exploration. s.l.:s.n. Forest, C., 2011. Robots in Space. s.l.:s.n. Genta, G., 2011. Introduction to management of space robots. s.l.:s.n. Healer, P., 2014. Space Mice 2. s.l.:s.n. Hermann, G., 2012. Advances in Autonomous Robotics. s.l.:s.n. Kanniah, J., 2013. PRACTICAL ROBORT DESIGN. s.l.:s.n. Kanniah, P., 2013. practical robort design. s.l.:s.n. Konoko, M., 2010. Robotics research. s.l.:s.n. Kopa, D., 2011. 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